The Westwood Village Improvement Association (WVIA) is a property-based assessment district that encompasses Westwood Village, a unique and vibrant commercial district located on the Westside of Los Angeles. Our district serves a population of over 220,000 people living within a three-mile radius. Bordered on the north by UCLA, Westwood Village is bountiful shopping and restaurant district, welcoming visitors of all interests. Westwood Village is also a cultural mecca and entertainment destination. The WVIA was founded in 2011.
Clean and Safe Business Improvement District
Downtown Alameda Business Association is hard at work year-round with our 470+ members and district visitors in mind. We serve as a support network and advocate for Alameda, especially for businesses operating in the Historic Park Street Business Improvement Area. Our goal is to develop an economically prosperous district that is family-friendly, clean, green, and safe.

The Downtown Berkeley Association is Owner’s Association for the Downtown Berkeley Property-Based Business Improvement District (PBID), representing 187 property owners and approximately 680 of their merchant and business tenants. The DBA was originally formed in 1989 as Main Street project with voluntary dues. In the 1990’s, the DBA became a Business Improvement District (BID) funded by a surcharge on all business licenses. In 2012 the PBID replaced the BID to bring sufficient funding and focus on key strategic issues in the Downtown. Services including cleaning, hospitality, landscaping, beautification, social service outreach, marketing, communications, events, and land use planning.
Founded in 1998, the Downtown Center Business Improvement District (DCBID) has been a catalyst in Downtown Los Angeles’ transformation into a vibrant 24/7 neighborhood. The DCBID is a coalition of nearly 2,000 property owners in the Downtown Center who are dedicated to building and maintaining a safe and productive community for businesses, residents, and visitors.
DLBA is a non-profit, community-based organization whose mission is to cultivate, preserve and promote a healthy, safe, and prosperous Downtown. By balancing the interests of the residents, as well as business, the DLBA creates tangible progress by way of vested interest and solidified partnerships across local, municipal, and commercial lines.
Downtown Sacramento Partnership is a nonprofit, property-based improvement district (PBID) that serves as the collective voice for the 197 property owners and more than 400 businesses located within the 66-block urban core of Sacramento. Driven by the mission to build value downtown, Downtown Partnership is the principal advocate, champion, and steward for those who work, live, visit and do business in downtown Sacramento.
We are the voice of Downtown San Diego dedicated to advancing the economic prosperity and cultural vitality of Downtown through membership, advocacy, public services, and community investment.
Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. is a private 501c(3) non-profit organization that works with the City of Santa Monica to manage services and operations in Downtown Santa Monica while promoting economic stability, growth and community life within this unique neighborhood.
DTSM, Inc. manages the Property-based Business Assessment District bounded by Ocean Avenue to the west, Wilshire Boulevard to the north, Lincoln Boulevard to the east and the Santa Monica Freeway to the south.
Downtown Ventura Partners is a 501c6 nonprofit founded in 2009 whose mission is to provide a historic downtown that is as safe and clean and economically vibrant (and fun) as possible. From beautification to special events and parking to our growing Ambassador teams, DVP eagerly serves as the voice for downtowners and plays a vital role in our evolving urban core.
The Figueroa Corridor Partnership (Fig BID) is responsible for the daily management and promotion of the Figueroa/Flower/Vermont Corridor, linking Downtown Los Angeles to Exposition Park. The Partnership is committed to the area’s development as a safe, clean, economically vibrant, and aesthetically pleasing environment in which to conduct business, continue an education, visit a museum, attend a sporting event, worship, or reside.

Located at the front door to Los Angeles, the GatewayLA Business Improvement District is at the cutting edge of the airport’s land-side modernization program, a stone’s throw away from the new NFL stadium in Inglewood and home to the largest concentration of hotel rooms in the City of Angels.
The HBDBID organizes and manages the maintenance, marketing and special events for downtown Huntington Beach. Our members are assessed annual fees along with their business license.

The Jack London Improvement District is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to create, promote and maintain an inviting environment for people who visit, live, or work in the Jack London District, and build an inclusive and resilient commercial community that values the diverse history, economies, culture, and people of this place. Through programs focused on beautification, safety, and promotion, we foster economic vitality and quality-of-life in Oakland’s unique, historic urban waterfront community.

Provides public safety, sidewalk maintenance, economic development and communications services to member properties. District boundaries span 49 blocks of primarily industrial properties. Boundaries also include LA’s skid row, which has the highest concentration of unsheltered individuals in the nation.
The LA Fashion District is a culturally, socially and economically diverse community with rich heritage in the fashion industry; a district that is evolving into a future that will include residential and creative opportunities while maintaining its roots in fashion. The LA Fashion District Business Improvement District is dedicated to helping the community be a clean, safe, and friendly place to work, shop, live, and do business.
For over 25 years, NBS has served communities across California and beyond by implementing and tuning up revenue tools. Business Improvement Districts and other tools are the primary focus within the CDA world.
The mission of the Old Pasadena Management District is to enhance and promote Old Pasadena as a unique, authentic, and vibrant downtown experience.
The OPMD is a non-profit management organization that exists to protect and serve the collective interests of the owners, tenants, and residents of Old Pasadena. By contract with the City of Pasadena, and governed by an elected Board of Directors, OPMD manages the Old Pasadena PBID which oversees services and programs including cleaning, security, marketing, events, economic development, and advocacy on behalf of the District. Under a separate contract with the City, OPMD oversees management of the area’s public parking garages.
The Playhouse District Association (PDA) promotes the economic vitality of the Playhouse District as Pasadena’s home for culture, commerce and community through the management of a property-based improvement district (PBID) with 11 Board members, five standing committees and dedicated clean and safe, marketing, public art, and advocacy services.
Progressive Urban Management Associates (P.U.M.A.) is an economic development and planning firm that delivers community-based solutions to advance thriving downtowns, corridors and neighborhoods. A national leader in downtown and community development, we advise clients on a wide range of management, marketing, financial, urban design and implementation tactics to help communities and organizations create and sustain dynamic places.

The Riverside Downtown Partnership (RDP) is a non-profit business associate that manages the Riverside Downtown Business Improvement District. Its objective is to create an environment to support downtown Riverside as a regional destination for economic, arts, cultural, and residential uses.
To do so, RDP promotes downtown Riverside as a destination for residents and regional visitors, develops and enhances RDP’s influence and activities with downtown stakeholders, and promotes Riverside as a regional center for private sector commercial and residential development.